Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer,
used with permission. All rights reserved.

used with permission. All rights reserved.
Seekers of the Great Void
The Seekers of the Great Void are one of the most “out there”
cults I’ve done. They push mechanics quite a bit, with new Gifts, use of multiple
types of magic, as well as a Creature Ability as a Gift and are unabashedly
inspired by the AD&D 5th edition Warlock. You can see that in
the spells mainly, as well as the progression of those. The folk magic spells
like Disruption, Darkness, and Protection map directly to
equivalents in the warlock. The theism spells Mindlink and Illusion
also translate somewhat closely to their analogs.
However, I wanted some things that were a bit more Mythras
flavored. Something a little darker, something that leveraged the tools that
Mythras provides. Some of the other spells (Corruption, Madness, Obliterate)
felt appropriate and give it a real edge that make it distinct. In addition,
I’ve added an Oath and a Taboo, leveraging the restrictions for a cult. In so
many ways, restrictions like this provide flavor and defined the “space” that a
cult operates in. A GM could easily change the Taboo to a Geas if it felt more
appropriate to have the planar being granting power be more involved, but the
Taboo makes it more of a social faux pas, and potentially dangerous to the
You can also see this
pull between the desire for the familiar and pushing to uniqueness in the
Gifts. Several of the Gifts translate directly to similar abilities on a 5e
warlock, but with a Mythras nuance by affecting folk magic spells they already
gain access to. Lastly the Chaotic Blessing is designed to be a gamble. Not all
of those are going to be easy for the warlock to deal with. They make the
warlock clearly in consort with mind breaking beings. They do then to have a
bit more power behind them. At the high end, one is required – those beings
want their advertisement as well.
Setting Suggestions
The Seekers (perhaps under another name) can fit into many settings where you desire Lovecraftian spice added to the campaign. A blighted hermit in Mythic Britain, shunned by Druid and Christian alike, would make a wonderful Seeker. Perhaps Luther Arkwright’s WOTAN has determined that dabbling in the darker arts and making unsavory pacts is how to beat the Disruptors, and a few agents volunteer to be the instruments of their sanity-shattering will. Men of Thennla’s Jekkarene Theocracy denied entry into the Moon Goddess’s cult and access to theism or sorcery might seek an untraditional route. It is designed to be a pretty ominous cult, and would be incongruous with some campaign flavors.
and History
Humans have long
sought forbidden lore, pushing them to the very edges of sanity. The
mind-bending, multidimensional, dark gods who dwell in the deep outer realms
whispered promises of power and wealth across time and space, heard the call,
and provide power for their own unfathomable reasons.
At its very heart,
this cult works to bring its dark master from the beyond into this dimension.
Occasionally this works, but most of the Great Old Ones are too alien to even
understand their demanding followers. Because of this, they work to gain
temporal influence and maintain their position, recruiting those in positions of
power or with control over particularly valuable resources. This brings them
into conflict with local authorities or entrenches them more fully.
Small cells working
towards their dark master’s ends, hidden from the rest of the population, make
up the organization. Associates come from family members and others who have
close relations, and take a trial of loyalty, ensuring those entrusted with any
secrets are well vetted. Sometimes, new members are recruited from the children
of those in power, or from those in power themselves.
Standard. Most who
follow the Great Old Ones are insane or desperate, but occasionally heroic
characters manage to balance their own natures with the mind-bending desires of
their otherworldly patron. These too serve their master, in their own
inscrutable way.
Everyone in this cult
takes an Oath towards the cult, starting at 30%+POW+INT, as well as a Taboo
towards revealing its secrets. Violation is punishable by death.
Deception, Devotion, Exhortation, Insight,
Lore (Great Old Ones)
Initiates of the Great
Old Ones learn a modicum of Folk Magic, including Babble, Befuddle, Curse,
Darkness, Disruption, Frostbite, Phantasm, Protection, Shove, and Witchsight.
They also learn the Theism spells Illusion
and Mindlink. Acolytes learn Madness and Mindblast. Priests learn Corruption
(transforming the target into a tentacled monstrosity) and Obliterate.
At each rank above Initiate, Seekers gain a gift from the list below.
- Unfettered Disruption - when the seeker cast Disruption, they may choose up to one twentieth of their Folk Magic in targets to suffer the effects. This does not allow a single target to be chosen more than once.
- Puissant Disruption - step up the damage of the seeker’s Disruption spell to 1d4.
- Writhing Protection - your Protection spell does not end when triggered, instead lasting for the entire scene.
- Familiar - as Animal Familiar Mythras, p202. This is an extra dimensional being in the form of the natural animal with unearthly mutations, though it has an INT score equal to the animal’s INS score and can follow more complex commands. It can speak telepathically to the Seeker within 3 meters.
- Chaotic Blessing – The seeker gains a chaotic feature, rolled randomly from the Seeker Chaos Feature table below (reference the Chaos Features table, Mythras p275, for effects)
Seeker Chaos Feature Table
Roll |
Feature |
Roll |
Feature |
Roll |
Feature |
Roll |
Feature |
01-05 |
Acidic |
26-30 |
Climbing |
51-55 |
Mutated |
76-80 |
Poisonous |
06-10 |
Alluring |
31-35 |
Disturbing |
56-60 |
Nerveless |
81-85 |
Projector |
11-15 |
Boneless |
36-40 |
Entangle |
61-65 |
Obfuscating |
86-90 |
Scintillating |
16-20 |
Brainless |
41-45 |
Levitating |
66-70 |
Oversized |
91-95 |
Shadowy |
21-25 |
Chameleon |
46-50 |
Mimic |
71-75 |
Perceptive |
96-100 |
Slimy |
High priests
automatically gain a roll on the Chaotic Blessing table as an extra gift.
I made a PC for a PBP game using this ...
Initiate of Seekers of the Great Void
Str 8
Con 8
Siz 8
Dex 9
Int 17
Pow 18
Cha 17
Action Points 3
Dmg Mod -1d2
Heal Rate 2
Initiative 13
Luck Points 3
Magic Points 18
Hit Points:
3 / 6 / 3
4 / / 4
2ap hat
2 ap Hauberk (chest, abdomen)
Camping gear
Born with a mark which resembles a rune.
Standard Skills:
Athletics 32
Brawn 31
Customs 79
*Deceit 64
Endurance 46
Evade 33
First Aid 56
*Insight 55
Influence 49
Locale 44
Perception 65
Ride 32
Willpower 66
Professional Skills:
*Devotion 65
*Exhort 64
Folk Magic 65
*Lore (The Shard) 64
Combat Style: Peasant 52%
Weapons: Sling, Quarterstaff
Trait: Cautious Fighter
Skills marked with an asterisk are cult skills.
Cult Secrets Oath 65
Devotional Pool: 5
Theist Spells Known: (Exhort 64%)
Folk Magic Known: (Folk Magic 65%)
Darkness, Disruption, Frostbite